555 Timer/Oscillator
741 Op-Amp
Light Emitting Diodes 
Diodes & Diodes Data 
Photosensitive Devices 
7-Segment Displays 
Converting Frequency to Channel #'s
MosFet Test
Phase Locked Loop 
Resistor Color Code
SCR Test
Transistor Tutorial, 12 Parts!
Triac Test
UJT Test
Toroids RF/EMI
Make Your Own Shunts
Relays, Relay Drivers, Solid-State

555 Timer Tester - Test those 555's in your junkbox
555 Go-No/Go Tester - 555 tester, more advanced
7.2Volt Cycler - 7.2V NiCad packs
7.2V Field Charger (.pdf file)
Airtronics AM/FM - Trainer Cord
Automatic Device Locator - Beacon
9-V Nicad Charger - From the Netherlands
Back and Forth Flasher - Forrest Mims III
Battery Backup (1) - For Large Aircraft
Battery Backup (2) - A better type
Battery Cycler - For Rx/Tx NiCads 
Car NiCad Charger - Using car battery
Charger - Constant Current Charger
Crashed Plane Locator - Beacon
DCS 400 Multipurpose Connector
Discharger - NiCad discharger
Elevon Mixer - by Malcolm Aldred
Futaba-AM - Trainer Cord
Futaba-FM - Trainer Cord
Futaba to JR - Trainer Cord
Futaba (AM) to Futaba (FM) - Trainer Cord
FlyWire (Deans Ant.) - For Helicopter
Glowplug Driver - Project for your Flightbox (1)
Glowplug Panel - Project for your Flightbox (2)
Hotchek - Hotcheck (.pdf - See note 1)
Hot-Wire Foam Cutter, 10 - by Tony van Roon
IRF-511 FET - TMOS FET Data Sheet
JR-FM - JR Trainer Cord
Lead Acid Charger, 1 - For Gel-Cell Batteries
Lead-Acid Charger, 2 - Battery Charger
Lead-Acid Charger, 3 - Charger with 'Float'
Mini-Drill P.S. - Variable speed for your mini-drill
Modifying a Servo - Modifying for indefinate rotation
Model Rocket Launcher - Time delayed
Model Rocket Timer - The half-ounce one
Model Rocket Strobe - Xenon Flash Tube
Model Rocket Parachute - Delayed
Model Rocket Altimeter - PIC Based
Model Train Lights - Head Lights for Model Trains
Model Train Horn, 2-tone - Dual Tone Sound 
NiCad Sensor - NiCad Voltage Monitor for Rx
Night Blades - Helicopter night-blades
Noise Trap - For long servo leads Added schematic
Power Panel - Combine it with the Glowplug Driver
R/C Emergency Locator Alarm - by Jon Fick Code/Description
R/C Pilot PCB & Layout 11-04-2006
R/C Switch 2 - For driving accessories 
R/C Switch 3 - Similar, but with 4001
R/C Timer Switch - Adjustable, 20-80 seconds
R/C Switch 4 - Modified to use Infra-red cameras
R/C Switch 5 - Electric Motor Switch 
Receiver Regulator - Rx Down-converter to 5V.
RX-Volt - Dot/Bar Rx Voltmeter.
Simple Charger - With 'Peak-Detect'
Simple Constant Current Source - by John Nooyen
Sequencial Led Flasher
Servo Driver #1
Servo Driver #2
Servo Driver #3
Servo Driver #4
Servo Modification
Servo Modification - For contineous rotation
Solar Charging - NiCad Charger
Tail Nav Light - For Heli or Aircraft
Variable Power Supply - 1 to 30V/1.5A 
Wingtip Nav Lights - Like the real thing
ZAP Adapter - Rejuvenate 'dead' NiCads.
Electronic Symbols Template
Hobby Kits for your building pleasure
Gadgets for Radio Control
 "Green" means on-line, "Red" means off-line
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