A Couple Notes: o This is a very simple circuit but will down convert to the
required receiver voltage more than adequately. For 6 volt receivers, use a 7806 regulator. If you feel that the
regulator gets too hot, install a coolrib on it. But that would be highly unlikely, since receivers don't draw
that much power and the 7806 can easily handle 1 amp, so I don't think a coolrib will be necessary.
If your electric motor is properly filtered for noise and spikes, the 1N4001 diode over the input/output terminals is
not needed. If you do use this diode, keep in mind that it takes 0.7V.
o Designed for an electric aircraft. To save on weight and eliminate the extra rx-battery, the receiver is fed
from the same battery (8 cell, 9.6v) as the electric motor. The two capacitors are used to filter-out possible
spikes when the electric motor is switched on and off. A BEC or similar device is highly recommended. In fact,
this simple circuit was created per request of a club member who uses this device in combination with a bec.