Questions? Please use our [Forum!]
Thanks for taking the time to visit my website. As you can see from the logo it's been up and running since 1995. The past 15 years I've made an
effort to keep the electronics hobby alive with circuits, tutorials and information and all *free*. In the process I made a lot of new
friends, thanks for that. Right now I'm revamping this very large website which has grown to almost 210Meg! Some areas, like
"Recipes", will be deleted and others of new interest such as
'free-energy' will be added. Radio Control and Hobby Circuits are combined to free up some badly needed webspace.
With the unfortunate downfall and elimination of Gernsback Publishing, the publisher of well known magazines like "Radio Electronics, Radio
Bulletin, Electronics Now", Hands-on Electronics, and a couple others, ment that those looking for learning electronics and building projects
were left out in the cold. At that time I decided to increase my input on to the Web with free circuits, electronics tutorials, and a Forum to
chat with each other. On a good note, there are a couple electronics magazine holding their own. Nuts & Volts (US), Elektor (UK), and
on-line electronic magazines are just a few to mention, Elektor and
Nuts & Volt being the most popular.
A couple dozen other good informative free websites, like Gary's site in BC, popped-up doing
the same with different areas of electronics, free stuff, and all the help you can muster. Sadly about 50% of all those sites from a decade ago
have gone commercial trying to make a buck. My site *is* and *will* remain free for as long as I'm able to maintain it.
My Construction KITS section was created to make building a project easier
without the search for parts and components. It is practically non-profit. The money earned with it is used to refill inventory needed for the
KITS. As long is there is interest for building projecs I will make the effort to supply KITS and make people happy.
The last couple years I have been concentrating on Hydrogen and HHO research and
am attempting to come up with new ideas for free energy using very high voltage and alternate fuel. Also, I'm working on a new 'Water-for-fuel' engine with the support
of received donations. Thanks to all who donated!
Unfortunately during the summer I do "summer" stuff like riding my motorcycle. It's too hot anyway to spend these good times indoors in the workshop.
Research and development in this area is very slow. Lack of funds for components, special tools and equipment and a decent workshop is holding me
back. On top of that it takes time and funds to get issues sorted out by a mechanical or electronic engineer. But unavoidable.
[Nikola Tesla] had great influence on the
development of the hydrogen and electric engine, and many of his inventions involved around free-energy. Read his biography to learn more.
Marc Boileau's book "Towers of Time".
Thanks to all visitors (since October 2010, + 22 million since 1995):

Do not let ANYONE ever compromise your dream, your freedom, your independence or
your truth!
If you would like to help support our research, please consider making a generous
donation through PayPal! $10, $20, $50, $100, $1000, $100,000, $1,000,000, or whatever
small pocket change you can spare. It all helps. Everything on this website will
be 100% free. Help us to help everyone be set free from fossil fuels for ever.
Please donate!
Page Design: Tony van Roon (VA3AVR)
Last Updated on January 06, 2011
Copyright © 1995, Tony van Roon. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.