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Egg Timer
This egg timer, which is both simple and functional, shows once again that it is not essential to use a microcontroller for everything these days. The circuit consists of only two ICs from the standard 4000 logic family, a multi-position rotary switch and a few individual components. The combination of a 4040 oscillator/counter and a 4017 decimal counter is certainly not new, but it is an ideal combination for timers that are required to generate long intervals that can be programmed in steps. The circuit can be directly powered from a 9-V battery, without using a voltage regulator. The signalling device is a 12-V buzzer, which generally works quite well even at a much lower voltage.We won’t explain the operation of the two ICs here; if you would like to know more about this, we recommend consulting the device data sheets. The RC configuration has been selected for the oscillator circuit of the 4060, since the frequencies of standard crystals and resonators would be too high (even 32.768 Hz is much too high), making it impossible to achieve the desired times. With an RC oscillator, it’s also easier to modify the times to suit our purposes. For instance, if the oscillator frequency is reduced by a factor of two, we obtain a range of 1 to 16 minutes in steps of 1 minute. The range is split into two by taking advantage of the fact that the 4017 has an AND gate at its input (with an inverted input).

In the second range (II) of S1, the ‘enable’ pin of IC2 is connected to the 212 divider output of the 4060 (pin 1). This output goes high 4 minutes after the reset (which is why it is labelled ‘240 s’, instead of the period time of 480 s). Since the 4060 is an asynchronous counter, this output goes high a short time after the 23 output goes low. This delay provides the proper condition for an extra clock pulse for the 4017. The outputs of the 4017 will thus count upwards once. This means that the second output will become active after 4 minutes, with the rest of the outputs becoming active after 4.5 to 8 minutes. The desired timing interval is selected using switch S2.

This ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 mA, with the average current consumption being approximately 1mA while the timer is running. The buzzer used in our prototype increases the current to around 13 mA when it is energized, but this naturally depends on the actual type used. In principle, the circuit will work with any supply voltage between 3 and 16 V. However, the actual supply voltage should be taken into account in selecting the buzzer. The value of the supply voltage also has a small effect on the time interval, but in practice, the deviation proved to be less than 5 percent - which is not likely to matter too much to the eggs.