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ECG Amplifier By TLC274
This circuit allows an ECG signal to be displayed on an oscilloscope. Opamps IC1a, b and d form an instrumentation amplifier with a gain of 201. IC1c amplifies the common-mode signal by a factor of 31, and supplies this signal to the right leg. The first consequence of this is that the body is brought to a defined common-mode level, so that the signal will not lie outside the range of the instrumentation amplifier. The second consequence is that negative feedback is applied to the common-mode signal, so that the amplitude of this (undesired) signal is reduced even further. Diodes D1 through D4, along with resistors R1 and R5, are added to the circuit to protect the inputs against damage from excessive electrostatic charges. The CMRR (common-mode rejection ratio) of the instrumentation amplifier can be set using P1.